This is me
Catherine presents works as postures and poses modeled in clay with some exploration into mixed media. In progression, her drawings have become her sculpture, and her poetry has become her explanation in an embellished fashion.
Ceramic Sculptor and Illustrator. Her love of fairy tales, myths, legends, and that great illustrious art that accompanied their narration has so been an inspiration. And the human figure; that ever changing parade of costumes and designs, fabrics, textures and colours.

Services & skills
Catherine is such a pompous name
for a girl without one ounce of grace
but such a pretty face
And with this name that's born to fame
a temperament that's all a frazzle
combined with legs to dazzle
She plays all day and calls it work
with pots and figures bought to life
from her imaginary world of strife
Such joy they give to those who view
most fitting for the window pain
that mud mad porcelain
While ear bashing with tales of woe
she somehow turns the discord of her heart
into well appreciated art
Now she and all her family with nothing else to do
and life a bore if someone doesn't take the bate
just adore to irritate
And this is just a sisters reply to poetry
that relieves the soul untold without a gin
about a girl called Catherine
Janet (my sister)
About 30 years ago
Catherine is a Brisbane based Award Winning Artist, who completed a Bachelor of Visual Arts majoring in Ceramics. Art Prizes include the Matthew Flinders Art Exhibition, Bribie Island Clay Creations, The Blue Water Arts Festival and the Nundah Art Show for Painting & Sculpture ..​​.

I wake up in the morning
My sister makes me coffee
There's always sugar in the bottom
Because she doesn't stir it
But I don't really care
Because I don't make it
It's that percolated stuff
We don't buy instant coffee
Because we're too good for that
But I don't really care
Because I don't have money
To buy myself instant coffee
So I know coffee at it's best
When there is sugar at the bottom
Lucas Reason age 16
(my youngest brother
Artist Narrative
Pottery, Poetry & Prose - a personal perspective

I wrote this statement while I was studying art at college and still like to use is as a personal statement! But that's nice in it's simplicity. I don't think people are much interested in poetry now, we may get something loosely connected in a way of advertising ... and pottery?? Well we say ceramics now.
But really something innate tells me that few real cultures seem to exist or are fast becoming extinct. We are left buried in sameness. And much lingers in a form of patented fantasy induce history; a story not necessarily introspectively told, and ironically our commerciality is trying to recreate a state of grace. A metaphoric and gigantic culture is manifesting before us and our identity is being merged into a false safety and unreal world of cyber. Our children are developing not knowing what things really look like and experiencing anything that is real. Our kinder upbringing is a little frightening!! Typically we are not connecting with nature and we are tping toward a synthetic world and attaching ourselves to symbols that are more and more remove from what is real ... Oops
Catherine 2010

Princess & The Pea (My Verson)
Once upon a time, there was a most handsome Prince, who wanted to meet a real Princess. But how to find a real Princess? She searched the social hot spots, he searched the internet, he browsed facebook ... and found, no one matched his search.
Then one hot summer evening the weather machine had been programmed and a huge thunderstorm (it is Queensland) broke the sky. All the city was disconnected from all that was used to control it. There was flooding, and there was chaos. And then someone knocked at the gates. The Elderly King went and opened them.
Before the gate stood a Princess. Or so she said (well not really a real one but would a potter do
instead ??} Who had been out for a walk to contemplate all that was and is. So lost in thought, she was not aware of those familiar but strange clouds. And so here she was, soaked to the core. But she was a real Princess ??
Though the Queen did a quick Google search it was hard to know for sure. With fake profiles and all.
To find out soon enough, the Queen went to the bedroom and remade the bed. The Princess would have to stay for the night as the web had crashed and there was major flooding. One single pea she placed at the centre of the bed. She proceeded to carefully place twenty organic bamboo mattresses layered over the pea. This was a homegrown pea of course and not one from the plastics of the freezer bags so favourable today. And this was the bed the Princess fell asleep on.
The next day the Princess was asked how she had slept ??
"Not well at all !!" she sighed. Forgive me for saying there is a huge lump in the centre of the bed and I tossed and turned all night !!
So it was clear that this must be a real Princess or a poor wheel thrower (Pottery term Peoples). Who could feel the pea under the twenty layers of mattresses. Any other would not have noticed.
The Prince and the Princess became good friends and went out into the real world to choose between a Virtual Reality or a more Natural Existence. Noting of course that one in three marriages end in divorce. And everyone today can be a King or Queen, Prince or Princess and it doesn't really matter your type. And Potters really don't make any money from their work no Prince or Prince ... sigh
And would you agree that this is a real Fairy Tale